Wait and See

Wait and See

Wait and See Jesus commanded His disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. He raised their level of anticipation for this moment by informing them that when the Holy Spirit came upon them they would receive power to become witnesses. God is...
My King Is With Me

My King Is With Me

My King Is With Me Audio We often think about how powerful Jesus is and that He is the King of Kings and the Lords of Lords. And yet although this is true, what makes our King, Jesus, so amazing is that He is also with us. He walks with us through the valleys and...
My King Is With Me

My King Fights For Me

My King Fights For Me The kings of the earth fight through their followers. They expect to be protected at any cost. But on Good Friday we encounter a King who left his throne in heaven and became human so he could fight in place of his followers. Jesus Christ, the...
My King Is With Me

My King Fights For Me

My King Fights For Me The kings of the earth fight through their followers. They expect to be protected at any cost. But on Good Friday we encounter a King who left his throne in heaven and became human so he could fight in place of his followers. Jesus Christ, the...
Wait and See

3 Practices of Living on Mission

3 Practices of Living on Mission Being a disciple of Jesus can be best compared to being an apprentice. An apprentice learns by observing how the master craftsman does his work and practices the required tasks long enough to become highly skilled at it. If we are...