Occupy until I come
Occupy until I come
This is not just another week. This is a divine moment, a call to step into the life of faith, surrender, and power that God created you for. Together, we will pray with fervor, fast with purpose, and align ourselves with God’s mission to “Occupy til He comes.” Through prayer and fasting, we are declaring that we will not live passively, but with purpose, faithfulness, and boldness in every area of our lives.
The theme of “occupy” comes from Luke 19:11-27. This will be APC’s focus for 2025 We will also use Philippians 3:12-16 and Romans 8 for this week.

Why Prayer & Fasting?
Fasting is an act of surrender. It’s saying, “God, I need You more than anything else.” When we fast, we silence the noise, break spiritual strongholds, and make room for God’s power to move. This week isn’t just about prayer—it’s about fasting to shift atmospheres and appetites – break chains and invite heaven to invade earth.
What Does It Mean to Occupy?
To “occupy” is to live with authority, purpose, and urgency. It’s a declaration that you won’t waste the life, the time, or the gifts God has given you. This week is an invitation to take action—pressing into His presence, stewarding His resources, and advancing His Kingdom.
Daily DevotioNAls
Keep Moving Forward
Philippians 3:12-16
Let’s be real—nobody’s perfect, and that includes Paul. He wasn’t claiming to have it all together, and neither should we. The Christian journey is about progress, not perfection. It’s about leaving behind the weight of yesterday’s mistakes and distractions and stepping into God’s purpose for us. God doesn’t call us to stand still but to press forward. Why? Because there’s a prize waiting for us—a life fully alive in Christ.
What’s one area in your life where you’ve felt stuck? Bring it to God today. Don’t overthink it; take one bold, intentional step toward growth. Whether that’s through prayer, a conversation, or surrender, trust that God will meet you in your movement.
“Jesus, help me to let go of what’s holding me back. Teach me to press forward with confidence and faith. Strengthen me to pursue the purpose You’ve set before me. Amen.”

Healing Begins Here
Romans 8:1-4

Here’s some good news: There’s no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. None. Zip. Nada. That means the weight of guilt, shame, and brokenness doesn’t belong to you anymore. Healing isn’t just physical; it’s emotional, relational, and spiritual. And it starts by letting God step into the mess with His grace. The cross doesn’t just save you; it restores you. Jesus doesn’t want you to just survive—He wants you to be whole.
Take a moment to think about the places in your life where you need healing. Is it physical? Emotional? A broken relationship? Pray over those areas, and if reconciliation is needed, be bold enough to take the first step today.
“Jesus, I invite You into the broken spaces of my life. Bring healing where there’s hurt and restoration where there’s brokenness. Teach me to walk in Your wholeness and extend that same grace to others. Amen.”
Walk by the spirit
Romans 8:5-14
Living by the Spirit isn’t just a Sunday vibe—it’s a lifestyle. It’s about tuning out the noise of the world and leaning into God’s voice. Life in the Spirit is bold, free, and full of purpose. When we follow the Spirit’s leading, we’re empowered to live differently—to reflect God’s love and build His Kingdom. So, here’s the question: Who’s calling the shots in your life today—the Spirit or the world?
Start your day by inviting the Holy Spirit to guide you. Pay attention to those little nudges throughout the day—those are Spirit moments. Ask yourself, “What’s the Holy Spirit prompting me to do right now?” Then, do it.
“Spirit of God, lead me. I don’t want to live on my terms—I want to live by Your power, love, and wisdom. Use me to make an impact and build Your Kingdom. Amen.”

Eyes on Eternity
Philippians 3:20-21

Here’s the truth: You don’t belong here. Your citizenship isn’t on earth—it’s in heaven. That changes everything. When you live with eternity in mind, your priorities shift. Suddenly, the temporary doesn’t have the same weight. What matters most is what lasts forever—loving people deeply, serving faithfully, and trusting God completely. Let eternity frame your today.
If Jesus came back tomorrow, how would that change your priorities today? Take one step toward living like that—whether it’s serving someone, showing generosity, or realigning your focus on what truly matters.
“Jesus, lift my eyes to see what really matters. Teach me to live for eternity, to serve others, and to trust Your perfect plan. I want my life to make an impact that lasts forever. Amen.”
Faithful in the field
Luke 19:11-27
“Occupy until I come.” Jesus isn’t asking us to play it safe—He’s calling us to take risks, multiply what He’s entrusted to us, and live boldly for His Kingdom. Whatever God has placed in your hands—your time, talents, or resources—isn’t just for you. It’s meant to be stewarded, grown, and used for His glory. Faithfulness isn’t passive; it’s active. So, let’s stop holding back and start stepping up.
Take inventory of what God’s given you—your gifts, your time, your finances. Ask yourself, “How can I steward these better for His Kingdom?” Then make a tangible plan to invest them in ways that bring Him glory
“Lord, I want to be found faithful. Teach me to steward what You’ve given me with intention and boldness. Use my life to advance Your Kingdom and bring You glory. Amen.”

My Blog
The DNA of The Fathers’ House
Speaker: Tony Soldano Series: The Father's House
Why Does God Love Us So Much?
Speaker: Dr. Charles McVety
Passivity Ends Here
Speaker: Moses Khan